Kl 0730 var det oppmøte i Forlandsvågen – tid for å få bagasje om bord, fordeling av lugarar, sjøklargjering og ikkje minst sikkerheitsinstruksar. Kaptein Audun Hausberg har vore med på dette før! I strålande sol og blikk stille vær - vinka me farvel til Vest nytt og ordføraren i Øygarden og kultusjefane som skal reise med fly. Vel installert på lugarar og banjer så blei det samling på dekk i sola. Med så mange musikarar ombord ble det naturligvis song og musikk mens me sigla ut Korsfjorden med stø kurs for Shetland. Her blei det opera, allsong, gitarspeling og kleppevik musikk. Knalltøft!
Nokre mil vest i havvet var det fortsatt lite vind, men me begynte å merka litt grovare sjø – gammal sjø frå nokre vindfulle dagar sidan. Ut på kvelden blei det verre så det var fleire som blei litt redusert og svett i panna, men det gjekk fint for dei fleste. Når me runda sør spissen på Shetland Fredag morgon blei det nesten ikkje noko dønningar att og me fekk ein fin føremiddag om bord før me la til kai ca kl 12.
Då var det tid for reisefølgjet til å gjere seg kjent på Shetland. Dei aller fleste tok turen til Leirwick.
Fredag kveld var det ankerdram på Loyal – og konsert med Dei Siste Sjømenn i «The Baoting Club» der var det også artistar frå Shetland som deltok. Ein fantastisk kjekk kveld med flotte musikara både frå Norge og Shetland.
Laurdag var det omvising på museet. Deretter var det konsert med song og opera. Dei frammøtte fekk ei kjempeoppleving. Våre Norske ungdommar gjorde ein kjempeinnsats og fekk mykje skryt. Me fekk ei velkomsthelsing frå Scalloway Community Council og eg fekk halde mi tale.
Laurdag ettermiddag var det konsert i det gamle slottet i Scalloway. Rammene - artisvalet - låtvalet - alt var pefekt og flott!.
Deretter måtte eg leite fram gamle kokkekunstar å hjelpe til å tilberede midag og mat til 60 gjester som var invitert til festkveld. Då blir det meir musikk frå både Shetland og Norge der artistane fekk spele saman - utruleg flott kveld. Dyktige musikkara som lett blei engasjert og fekk til eit drivande samspel.
Søndagen avsluttar me med ei markering ved minnestøtta og ei samling i kyrka. I kyrkja fekk me atter ei flott musikalsk oppleving frå vore norske musikkantar. Martha Sangolt holt ei flott tale som avslutning her. Det avslutta ei flott helg på Shetland før me sat kursen heim att med Loyal.
Deretter måtte eg leite fram gamle kokkekunstar å hjelpe til å tilberede midag og mat til 60 gjester som var invitert til festkveld. Då blir det meir musikk frå både Shetland og Norge der artistane fekk spele saman - utruleg flott kveld. Dyktige musikkara som lett blei engasjert og fekk til eit drivande samspel.
The programme
0900 Loyal sets sail from Forlandsvågen
1800 Arrival at Scalloway
21/22 The Last Sailors/Dei siste sjømenn (Venue ?)
0900 Breakfast Loyal/hotel
1030 Tour of Scalloway museum
11-12 Music in the museum
- some Norwegian artists
1215 Coffe tea & Officials give speeches and gifts
14-15 Concert at the Castle (weatherdependent)
- Opera/Fiddler (Fjell & Askøy artists)
1900 Official reception at Loyal/Boating club with Norwegian local foods
2100 Concert at the Boating Club
- Norwegians and Shetlanders intertwined
1000 Memorialservice outside the church
Norway: We organise the cermon/speaches outside
An appropriate tune – then go in to church
1045 Service inside the church
- Tea in church
- Music while Loyal is leaving
1400 Loyal sets sail
Håkon Vatle - supervisor
Endre Nordvik
Anne Sofie Skålvik
Marie Hauge Fondevik
Seont Jon
Fredrik Søreide
Hilde V. Brynjulfsen
Ole Rasmus Øvretveit
Rune Solberg
Simon Kalgraf
Nicolay Hamre
Knut Joakim Pedersen
Mine Taler/
Lørdag: Scalloway Museum,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
Dear friends and Family of Albrigt Sangolt the late Mayor of Sund Municipality
First, I would like to thank you for your warm welcome and that you accept us this weekend.
With this memorial race, we want to honor Albrigt, and strengthen and maintain the good relations between Shetland and Norway.
Today it is a pleasure to be the Regional head of Sund, Øygarden, Fjell og Askøy municipalities. At this memorial race Martha, Albrigt wife and others members of the family participate. Attending are also the mayors colleagues of Albrigt, head of culture and musicians from our municipalities.
It was a pleasure for me to attend the opening of the new Scalloway Museum on 17th of may on behalf of North Sea Traffic Museum and Sund municipality
of course it should been Albrigt that took place in that celebration.
The North Sea Traffic Museum I Telavåg meant so much to Albrigt, and he was very pleased to maintain the strong friendship between Shetland and Norway.
From my point of view he played an important role maintaining the good relations, and he was looking forward to the opening of the New Scalloway Museum.
Shetland played such an important part in the Norwegians resistance
during World War II,
Most of those who escaped from Norway by boat, ended up here in Shetland.
And, many joined the fight against the occupation forces. Bringing refugees to freedom in Shetland, and taking resistance fighters, weapons and equipment back to Norway.
An operation to be known as the Shetland Bus.
Throughout the war the Shetland bus remained a lifeline between occupied
Norway and the free world.
We have the North sea traffic museum in Telavåg, and we have the new Scalloway Museum here telling the history - so this part of the world war II history will not be forgotten.
And that was very important to Albrigt
As the chairman of the board for the North Sea Traffic Museum, Albrigt played an important role for the museum during his period as the mayor of Sund.
Music and culture was also valued highly by Albrigt and that’s the reason clever musicians are joining us on tis memorial race to Shetland
– and I believe that Albrigt wanted very much that our good friendship should continue into the future
To connect and make new friendships and to look forward we are also pleased to bring musicians together on this memorial race.
We have the history, and the culture bring us closer together.
In deep respect of Albrigt, I am looking forward to maintain the god relationship into the future.
Tank you.
Søndag: Memorialservice
Dear ladies and gentlemen, Dear family and friends of Albrigt Sangolt the late Mayor of Sund Municipality.
It is an honor for me to be here at the Shetland Bus Memorial in the heart of Scalloway,
a place that has meant so much for Albrigt, and it is also a very important memorial for many other Norwegians.
Around 3 300 Norwegians escaped over to UK on civilian boats, most of them used fishing boats.
Late in 1940 this traffic was more organized involving the shuttling of agents and military equipment from Great Britain, primarily the Shetland Island, to the Norwegian coast, and exiles back from Norway.
And then comes the period of the Shetland Bus Men. They had their base in Lerwick, Lunna Voe, and finally, in Scalloway. The slip here in Scalloway was even called Crown prince Olavs slipway.
The bonds between Scalloway and Norway have been very strong since wartime, and in 2001, the Scalloway Community Council decided that a permanent Shetland Bus Memorial had to be made.
Albrigt were very pleased to hear that, and started to coordinate the job on the Norwegian side.
After a public meeting, the Shetland Bus Friendship Society was set up, with Jack Burgess as Chairman.
After a public ballot, David Cooper's design of the memorial was choosed.
Alan Hart was commissioned to make the top sculpture of "Andholmen", one of the"Bus - boats", and Alan Smiles got the contract to do the stonework.
The memorial is made of stones from both Shetland and Norway. And that pleased Albrigt very much.
The Shetland stones comes from Scalloway, Lunna, Kergord, Lerwick and Catfirth - all places that had a part of the Shetland Bus history.
The Norwegian stones were collected from the home areas of all the 44 dead crewmen, and brought to Shetland with "Heland", another of the "Bus boats".
Albrigt and the North Sea Traffic Museum in Telavåg organized the collecting of the stones. And this beautiful memorial was unveiled by Barbara Melkevik, on June 21 2003.
and Albrigt was a very proud Mayor of Sund municipality that day!
You, the people of Shetland played a crucial role in the fight for freedom.
- our deepest respect to those who perished,
and to all those who served and survived.
Thank you.
Ha ein fin fin sommar!
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